Harriet Davis Trust
Since 1992
Harriet Davis suffered from a rare degenerative metabolic disease. She was unable to speak, and had lost most of her motor abilities.
With difficulty she could use a word chart and make use of an electric wheelchair. Seaside holidays, in the company of family and friends, were a source of great joy and enrichment to her and thus to all who knew her. She died at the age of eleven years and the Trust was established in 1992 as a tribute to her shining and indomitable spirit.
Her parents, as the principal carers of an increasingly frail child were constantly reminded of the lack of suitable holiday accommodation which would allow a severely disabled child to take part in a real family holiday.
Many such children need specialised equipment and surroundings which make it difficult for them to go on holiday with their families. Many, by the very nature of their illness, which often involves multiple disablement, are unable to participate in activity type holidays.
These children often have a limited life span and are in need of constant care and attention. The difficulties involved are such that many families find the problems of going on holiday together not only daunting but insurmountable.

Harriet with her father, the late John Davies joint founder of The Harriet Davis Seaside Holiday Trust.
The Trust
The Trust which was founded in Harriet’s name is a Registered Charity and has as its objective the provision of properties in seaside locations suitably constructed or adapted and equipped to enable disabled children, their families and carers to enjoy the benefits of seaside holidays.
Whilst the accommodation provided is primarily for families with children, the Trust is able to permit use by disabled adults if it is not otherwise required.
Charges are made for the use of the Trust’s properties but these are at economic rather than commercial rates.

From Harriet, with love.